Many hearing aid dispensers and audiologists will discourage you from repairing your hearing aids, as they make a lot more money
selling new ones. But, except in very rare occasions, ALL hearing aids can be made to work just like new, just like a set,
twenty-one years old, my laboratory recently repaired. As my office is in my home, you may call me all day, every day, even weekends.
Ask about same day service. A box for mailing hearing aids is available on request.
Hal Fishbein received a degree of master of arts in clinical audiology from Columbia University.
He is a past president of the Massachusetts Hearing Aid Society and has been a guest lecturer at many
colleges including Boston University, Emerson College and Northeastern University. He has also lectured
otology residents at Boston University and Tufts University Medical Schools, the audiology staff at the
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and addressed state hearing aid societies throughout the United States
and is a former member of the American Academy of Audiology and the Academy of Dispensing Audiology.
Now living in Boca Raton, Florida, Hal is devoting his years of experience to providing affordable hearing
aid repair and restoration.
For more information call 561-470-2337 or email